Depended by: 32subsystem, a52dec+32, alsa-lib+32, attr+32, binutils+32, bzip2+32, cdparanoia+32, cpuburn, db+32, dbus+32, dev86, devel-base+32, expat+32, faad2+32, fftw+32, fontconfig+32, game-music-emu+32, gcc+32, gdbm+32, giflib+32, glib+32, glslang+32, gmp+32, gsm+32, harfbuzz+32, icu+32, ispc [amd64], json-c+32, libaio+32, libasyncns+32, libcap+32, libcddb+32, libdca+32, libdvdcss+32, libepoxy+32, libexif+32, libgpg-error+32, libidn+32, libmad+32, libmms+32, libmodplug+32, libnl+32, libogg+32, libraw1394+32, libtasn1+32, libtiff+32, libtool+32, libusb+32, libvisual+32, libvpx+32, libxau+32, libxcb+32, libxcrypt+32, libxdmcp+32, libxml2+32, libxslt+32, mbedtls+32, mp4v2+32, mpfr+32, nasm+32, ncurses+32, nspr+32, openal-soft+32, opencore-amr+32, openssl-1.1+32, openssl+32, opus+32, orc+32, pcre+32, pixman+32, popt+32, proxychains-ng+32, readline+32, recode+32, sbc+32, soxr+32, srtp+32, tbb+32, tk+32, util-linux+32, v4l-utils+32, vkd3d+32, wavpack+32, x264+32, x265+32, xcb-proto+32, xvidcore+32, xz+32, zlib+32

Library depended by:

Reverse dependencies of the libraries: