Depended by: 32subsystem, binutils+32, curl+32, elfutils+32, ffmpeg+32, freetype+32, gcc+32, libid3tag+32, libpng+32, libssh2+32, libssh+32, libxml2+32, nss+32, openjpeg-legacy+32, openssl-1.1+32, openssl+32, pcre2+32, pcre+32, taglib+32, tcl+32, util-linux+32
Library depended by:
- libpng-1.6+32
- elfutils+32, freetype+32
- glib+32, x11-lib+32
- cairo+32, gcc+32, libxml2+32
- gst-plugins-base-0-10+32, gst-plugins-base-1-0+32, libcaca+32, libid3tag+32, libssh+32, libtiff+32, rtmpdump+32, sqlite+32
- binutils+32, boost+32, cups+32, curl+32, ffmpeg+32, ghostscript+32, gst-libav-1-0+32, gst-plugins-good-1-0+32, imlib2+32, libpng+32, librsvg+32, libssh2+32, mesa+32, neon+32, nss+32, openssl+32, openssl-1.1+32, poppler+32, sbt, taglib+32, tcl+32, wxgtk+32, wxgtk-3+32
Reverse dependencies of the libraries:
- 0ad, aegisub, aide, aircrack-ng, amule, android-platform-tools, android-simg2img, aoscbootstrap, apfs-fuse, apitrace, apt, aqbanking, aranym, aria2, ark, assaultcube, assimp, asymptote, atomicparsley, atop, atril, audacious, avahi, avidemux, avr-gcc, azcvpng, balsa, bat, bcachefs-tools, bcc, bcftools, bedtools, bind, binutils, binutils+32, blender, boinc, boost, boost+32, botan-2, botan-3, bpftrace, brasero, btrfs-progs, cabal-install, cairo, cairo+32, cairomm, caja, caja-extensions, calibre, capnproto, cargo-c, cargo-release, cargo-smart-release, caribou, castget, cataclysm, cbc, c-blosc, cdrkit, cfitsio, cgl, ciel, cinepaint, clamav, clucene, clutter, clutter-gst, cmake, code-server, coin, coinmp, coinutils, coreboot-utils, cpprestsdk, cpyrit-opencl, cracklib, cuda, cups, cups+32, curl, curl+32, cutter, cvs, cvsps, dar, darkradiant, darktable, ddcutil, ddnet, deadbeef, desmume, dia, digikam, digikam-trinity, dmg2img, dolphin-emu, dosbox, dotnet-apphost-pack-6.0, dotnet-apphost-pack-8.0, dotnet-runtime-2.1, dotnet-runtime-3.1, dotnet-runtime-5.0, dotnet-runtime-6.0, dotnet-runtime-8.0, dovecot, dpdk, dpkg, dropbox, dsda-doom, dsview, dynamorio, easytag, elfutils, elfutils+32, elinks, emacs, emerald, emukit, enchant, enchant-2, engrampa, eog, eom, et, ettercap, evince, evolution-data-server, exempi, exiv2, exo, eza, fbthrift, fcitx5, ffmpeg, ffmpeg+32, ffms2, file, fio, firebird-emu, firefox, fizz, flickcurl, flightgear, fltk, folly, fontforge, fox, freecad, freeciv, freerdp, freetype, freetype+32, fuseiso, fwupd, game-music-emu, game-music-emu+32, gap, garcon, gcab, gcc, gcc-13, gcc+32, gcc+w64, gdal, gdb+cross-arm64, gdb+cross-mips64r6el, gdlmm, gdome2, geant4, geany, geany-plugins, gfbgraph, gfxreconstruct, ghostscript, ghostscript+32, giac, gimp, git, git-absorb, git-cinnabar, git-cliff, gl2ps, glhack, glib, glib+32, gloox, gmic, gmime, gmime-3, gmpc, gnome-applets, gnome-flashback, gnome-panel, gnome-vfs, gnucash, gnupg, gnustep-base, goffice, goldendict, goocanvas, gpac, graphicsmagick, graphviz, grpc, grpcio, gsoap, gspell, gst-libav-1-0+32, gst-plugins-bad-0-10, gst-plugins-base-0-10, gst-plugins-base-0-10+32, gst-plugins-base-1-0+32, gst-plugins-good-0-10, gst-plugins-good-1-0, gst-plugins-good-1-0+32, gstreamer, gtef, gtkhtml, gtksourceview-3, gtkspell3, gtk-vnc, gtkwave, gutenprint, gwenhywfar, gwenview-trinity, handbrake, hdf5, hdrhistogram-c, heimdall, hipify, hplip, hspell, htdig, htslib, httpd, httrack, i2pd, id3libs, igraph, imagemagick, imagemagick+7, imhex, imlib2, imlib2+32, inkscape, intel-gpu-tools, intel-graphics-compiler, intel-oneapi-basekit, iodine, irrlicht, itinerary, iverilog, js-102, js-91, karchive, karchive-5, keepassxc, kernel-tools, kexec-tools, keybinder-3.0, khealthcertificate, khtml, kicad, kitinerary, kitty, klamav-trinity, kmod, kmyfirewall-trinity, kmymoney-trinity, kodi, koffice-trinity, konqueror, kopete, kpublictransport, krita, krusader, krusader-trinity, ksirk, ksquirrel-trinity, kstars, ktorrent-trinity, kvirc, kvirc-trinity, kwave, kyotocabinet, leptonica, lftp, lib3mf, libabw, libappindicator, libarchive, libbpf, libcaca, libcaca+32, libcdr, libcryptui, libdbusmenu, libdmapsharing, libdwarf, libe-book, libetonyek, libetpan, libfido2, libfm, libfreehand, libgadu, libgd, libgeotiff, libgit2, libgnomekbd, libgpod, libgsf, libgxps, libharu, libid3tag, libid3tag+32, libindi, libindicate, libisoburn, libisofs, libksquirrel-trinity, libksysguard, libmatekbd, libmateweather, libmediainfo, libmirage, libmng, libmspub, libmwaw, libnjb, liborcus, libosmgpsmap, libpano13, libpng, libpng-1.6+32, libpng+32, libpst, libraw, libreoffice, librevenge, librsvg+32, libsoup, libsoup-3, libspatialite, libspice-gtk, libssh, libssh2, libssh2+32, libssh+32, libstaroffice, libtar, libtiff, libtiff+32, libunwind, libunwind+32, libvips, libvncserver, libwmf, libxfce4ui, libxfce4windowing, libxml2, libxml2+32, libzip, libzmf, liferea, lighttpd, lincity-ng, llvm, llvm-18, llvm-19, llvm-20, llvm-runtime, llvm-runtime-17, llvm-runtime-18, llvm-runtime-19, llvm-runtime-20, lmms, loonggl, loong-gpucomp, love11, lrzip, lsd, luanti, lxqt-config, lynx, lyx, m17n-lib, m4ri, makemkv, manaplus, man-db, mandoc, marble-runtime, marco, mariadb, mate-desktop, mate-notification-daemon, mate-panel, mate-settings-daemon, mate-user-share, mate-utils, mesa, mesa+32, mesa-pvr-ddk119, metacity, mgba, milkytracker, minetest, minizip, mixxx, mkvtoolnix, mldonkey, mlt, mocp, mold, mongodb, mono, monotone, mosh, mousepad, mpd, mplayer, mpv, mstflint, mtd-utils, mupdf, mupen64plus, musescore, nautilus-python, nbd, ncbi-blast+, ncbi-vdb, neatvnc, neon, neon+32, nestopia, netcdf, netcf, netease-cloud-music, netease-cloud-music-gtk, netpbm, netsurf, networkmanager-fortisslvpn, networkmanager-l2tp, networkmanager-openvpn, networkmanager-pptp, newflasher, nextpnr, nghttp2, nginx, nmap, nodejs, nodejs-20, nodejs-22, notmuch, nss, nss+32, ntk, nufraw, nvidia-open, oath-toolkit, obs-studio, octave, okular, oolite, openbabel, openconnect, opencv, openexr, openfpgaloader, openimageio, openjdk, openjdk-11, openjdk-17, openjdk-21, openjdk-22, openjdk-23, openjdk-24, openjdk-8, openjfx, openjfx-11, openjfx-17, openjfx-21, openjfx-22, openjfx-23, openjfx-8, openmpi, openmpt, openmw, opensc, openscenegraph, openslide, openslp, openssh, openssl, openssl-1.1, openssl-1.1+32, openssl+32, openttd, openvdb, open-vm-tools, optipng, osmctools, ostree, osu-lazer, ouch, owntone, pahole, pandoc, parole, partimage, pcre, pcre2, pcre2+32, pcre+32, pcsx2, pdfium, perl, php, php7, pigz, pillow, pingus, plank, plasma-workspace, plotutils, pluma, podofo, polyphone, poppler, poppler+32, postfix, postgresql, potrace, povray, powerpc-utils, powershell, ppsspp, praat, prismlauncher, privoxy, protobuf, pstoedit, ptex, pypy, python-2, python-3, python-caja, qbittorrent, qbittorrent-nox, qemu, qpdf, qt-4, qt-5, qt-6, qtractor, quazip, qwtplot3d, r, racket, raptor2, recordmydesktop, rest, retdec, rocm-compilersupport-comgr, rocm-llvm, rosegarden, rpm, rsync, rtmpdump, rtmpdump+32, ruby, rustc, sagemath, samba, samtools, sbt, scribus, scummvm, sdcc, seahorse-nautilus, serf, siege, simple-scan, sk1libs, slang, smb4k-trinity, smplayer, snapper, sox, spamassassin, spdylay, spice, sqlcipher, sqlite, sqlite+32, squashfs-tools, squashfs-tools-ng, squashfuse, sra-tools, starship, stellarium, stepmania, stress-ng, strigi, subtitleripper, subversion, sudo, sunxi-tools, supertux, supertuxkart, swift-im, swig, sword, synfig, systemd, taglib, taglib+32, tagparser, taisei, tarsnap, tcl, tcl+32, tdebase, tdebindings, tdeedu, tdegraphics, tdelibs, tdenetwork, tdepim, tdeutils, tdewebdev, tdewebdev-trinity, tectonic, telegram-desktop, telegram-qt, testdisk, texlive, texstudio, texworks, tg, the-silver-searcher, thunar, thunar-archive-plugin, thunar-media-tags-plugin, thunar-shares-plugin, thunar-vcs-plugin, thunderbird, tigervnc, tilix, tilp, timezonemap, tinc, tor, tqt3, trace-cmd, transcode, transfig, ttyd, unar, unshield, util-linux, util-linux+32, vba-m, vice, vigra, virtualbox, virtualbox-guest, vlc, vte, vtk, w3m, warzone2100, webkit2gtk, webkitgtk, weechat, wezterm, wget, wiliwili, wireshark, wv, wv2, wxbase, wxgtk, wxgtk+32, wxgtk-3+32, x11-app, x11-lib, x11-lib+32, xapian-core, xfce4-battery-plugin, xfce4-calculator-plugin, xfce4-clipman-plugin, xfce4-cpufreq-plugin, xfce4-cpugraph-plugin, xfce4-datetime-plugin, xfce4-dict, xfce4-diskperf-plugin, xfce4-eyes-plugin, xfce4-fsguard-plugin, xfce4-genmon-plugin, xfce4-mailwatch-plugin, xfce4-mount-plugin, xfce4-mpc-plugin, xfce4-netload-plugin, xfce4-notes-plugin, xfce4-notifyd, xfce4-panel, xfce4-power-manager, xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin, xfce4-screenshooter, xfce4-sensors-plugin, xfce4-settings, xfce4-smartbookmark-plugin, xfce4-stopwatch-plugin, xfce4-systemload-plugin, xfce4-time-out-plugin, xfce4-timer-plugin, xfce4-verve-plugin, xfce4-wavelan-plugin, xfce4-weather-plugin, xfce4-xkb-plugin, xfdashboard, xine-lib, xmlsec, xmms, xournalpp, xreader, xsane, xviewer, yabause, yaz, yelp, yosys, zed, zellij, zfs, zig, znc, zstd, zstd+32, zvbi, zxtune, zynaddsubfx, zyn-fusion, zziplib