Depended by: 0ad, apt-file, assaultcube, audacious, audacity, boinc, castget, clamav, cmake, cryfs, curlftpfs, ddnet, deadbeef, dovecot, dub, elfutils, et, exiv2, fcitx5-chinese-addons, fcitx-cloudpinyin, feh, flatpak, flickcurl, gdal, geoipupdate, gimp, git, gitoxide, gmic, google-chrome, htslib, hw-probe, icecast, kicad, libcaldav, libcarddav, libclastfm, libcmis, libetpan, libmediainfo, libmicrohttpd, liboauth, libofa, libofx, libquvi, libreoffice, libsixel, libvirt, luarocks, lutris, manaplus, melonds, mocp, moonlight-embedded, mpd, mprime, mupdf, ncmpcpp, netcdf, netease-cloud-music-gtk, netsurf, newsbeuter, nvm, obs-studio, octave, openscenegraph, osdlyrics, ostree, pacman, perl-www-curl, php, polybar, poppler, pycurl, qemu, qmmp, raptor2, sagemath, scummvm, sink, ss-tproxy, steam, strongswan, superslicer, supertux, supertuxkart, sword, synergy, systemd, thedarkmod, tpm2-tools, translate-shell, transmission, transmission-remote-gtk, uget, unnamed-sdvx-clone, virtualbox, virtualbox-guest, vorbis-tools, weechat, wiliwili, xerces-c, xine-ui, xmlrpc-c, yesplaymusic, yt-dlp, yubico-c, zed, zxtune

Depended by (build): git-cinnabar, kodi, mono, opencl-registry-api, powershell, rustc, zotero

Recommended by: web-base

Library depended by:

Reverse dependencies of the libraries: