Depended by: abyss, aircrack-ng, akonadi, amarok-trinity, apsw, aptitude, aria2, audacity, avidemux, boinc, colord, cowsql, cvechecker, cyrus-sasl, darktable, docker, dovecot, filezilla, firefox, font-manager, fractal, freeciv, fwupd, gdal, gnupg, gom, incus, ipython, kget, klamav-trinity, libaccounts-glib, libchamplain, libchewing, libdbi-drivers, libgda, libshumate, libsoup, libsoup-3, libspatialite, libstoragemgmt, lighttpd, linuxsampler, lurch, mixxx, mpd, mstflint, newsbeuter, nfs-utils, nss, packagekit, peewee, perl-dbd-sqlite, php, poco, postfix, purple-matrix, pysqlite, python-2, python-3, pyzy, qt-4, qt-5, qt-6, soci, sqlite-fdw, strawberry, strongswan, subversion, sunpinyin, telepathy-gabble, telepathy-logger, thunderbird, tqt3, unnamed-sdvx-clone, vtk, webkit2gtk, zathura
Depended by (build): apr-util, luanti, openslide, qt-4, redland
Suggested by: apr-util, redland
Library depended by:
- libsoup, libsoup-3, proj
- apr-util, libspatialite, webkit2gtk
- colord, cowsql, evolution-data-server, gdal, gom, libchamplain, libgpod, libshumate, openslide, python-2, qt-4, qt-5, sqlite+32, subversion, tqt3, tracker
- abyss, aircrack-ng, amarok-trinity, apsw, aptitude, aria2, audacity, avidemux, balsa, cvechecker, darktable, ddnet, dovecot, emacs, emukit, epiphany, evolution, exim, filezilla, font-manager, fractal, freeciv, fwupd, geary, gnupg, grilo-plugins, hugin, ibus-libpinyin, incus, klamav-trinity, kodi, krecipes-trinity, ktoblzcheck, libaccounts-glib, libchewing, libdbi-drivers, libgda, libstoragemgmt, liferea, lighttpd, link-grammar, linuxsampler, listenbrainz-mpd, luanti, lurch, macchina, mgba, midori, minetest, mixxx, mpd, mstflint, ncbi-blast+, newsbeuter, nfs-utils, nss, nss+32, openmw, owntone, packagekit, peewee, php, php7, pidgin, postfix, pysqlite, pyzy, quiterss, readymedia, redland, rpm, rygel, sequoia-sq, shotwell, soci, sqlite-fdw, sqlitebrowser, strawberry, strongswan, sunpinyin, supertuxkart, systemtap, tdenetwork, telepathy-gabble, telepathy-logger, telepathy-ofono, tenacity, uim, util-linux+32, vnstat, vtk, warzone2100, xfce4-notifyd, yelp, zathura, zeal, zeitgeist
- (Circular dependencies) python-3, intel-oneapi-basekit, elfutils, cuda, qt-6, util-linux-runtime
Reverse dependencies of the libraries:
- abyss, aircrack-ng, amarok-trinity, apr-util, apsw, aptitude, aria2, audacity, avidemux, balsa, colord, cowsql, cuda, cvechecker, darktable, ddnet, dovecot, elfutils, emacs, emukit, epiphany, evolution, evolution-data-server, exim, filezilla, font-manager, fractal, freeciv, fwupd, gdal, geary, gnupg, gom, grilo-plugins, hugin, ibus-libpinyin, incus, intel-oneapi-basekit, klamav-trinity, kodi, krecipes-trinity, ktoblzcheck, libaccounts-glib, libchamplain, libchewing, libdbi-drivers, libgda, libgpod, libshumate, libsoup, libsoup-3, libspatialite, libstoragemgmt, liferea, lighttpd, link-grammar, linuxsampler, listenbrainz-mpd, luanti, lurch, macchina, mgba, midori, minetest, mixxx, mpd, mstflint, ncbi-blast+, newsbeuter, nfs-utils, nss, nss+32, openmw, openslide, owntone, packagekit, peewee, php, php7, pidgin, postfix, proj, pysqlite, python-2, python-3, pyzy, qt-4, qt-5, qt-6, quiterss, readymedia, redland, rpm, rygel, sequoia-sq, shotwell, soci, sqlite+32, sqlitebrowser, sqlite-fdw, strawberry, strongswan, subversion, sunpinyin, supertuxkart, systemtap, tdenetwork, telepathy-gabble, telepathy-logger, telepathy-ofono, tenacity, tqt3, tracker, uim, util-linux+32, util-linux-runtime, vnstat, vtk, warzone2100, webkit2gtk, xfce4-notifyd, yelp, zathura, zeal, zeitgeist