Depended by: abyss, aircrack-ng, akonadi, amarok-trinity, apsw, aptitude, aria2, audacity, avidemux, boinc, colord, cowsql, cvechecker, cyrus-sasl, darktable, docker, dovecot, filezilla, firefox, font-manager, fractal, freeciv, fwupd, gdal, gnupg, gom, incus, ipython, kget, klamav-trinity, libaccounts-glib, libchamplain, libchewing, libdbi-drivers, libgda, libshumate, libsoup, libsoup-3, libspatialite, libstoragemgmt, lighttpd, linuxsampler, lurch, mixxx, mpd, mstflint, newsbeuter, nfs-utils, nss, packagekit, peewee, perl-dbd-sqlite, php, poco, postfix, purple-matrix, pysqlite, python-2, python-3, pyzy, qt-4, qt-5, qt-6, soci, sqlite-fdw, strawberry, strongswan, subversion, sunpinyin, telepathy-gabble, telepathy-logger, thunderbird, tqt3, unnamed-sdvx-clone, vtk, webkit2gtk, zathura

Depended by (build): apr-util, luanti, openslide, qt-4, redland

Suggested by: apr-util, redland

Library depended by:

Reverse dependencies of the libraries: