Depended by: avr-gcc, cgal, flint, fplll, gawk, gcc, gcc+w64, gnome-calculator, kalk, kcalc, libbytesize, mpc, mpfi, openscad, rasqal, sagemath, stress-ng, superslicer, texlive
Library depended by:
- flint
- libqalculate, normaliz
- abakus-trinity, aranym, avr-gcc, crash, emukit, gawk, gcc, gcc+cross-amd64, gcc+cross-arm64, gcc+cross-loongarch64, gcc+cross-loongson3, gcc+cross-ppc64el, gcc+cross-riscv64, gcc+w64, gdb, gdb+cross-arm64, gdb+cross-mips64r6el, gmpy2, gnome-calculator, kalk, kcalc, libbytesize, mate-calc, openscad, polymake, rasqal, singular, stress-ng, suitesparse, superslicer, texlive
- (Circular dependencies) fplll, gcc+cross-mips64r6el, mpc, giac, mpfi, mpc+32, sagemath, gcc+32
Reverse dependencies of the libraries:
- abakus-trinity, aranym, avr-gcc, crash, emukit, flint, fplll, gawk, gcc, gcc+32, gcc+cross-amd64, gcc+cross-arm64, gcc+cross-loongarch64, gcc+cross-loongson3, gcc+cross-mips64r6el, gcc+cross-ppc64el, gcc+cross-riscv64, gcc+w64, gdb, gdb+cross-arm64, gdb+cross-mips64r6el, giac, gmpy2, gnome-calculator, kalk, kcalc, libbytesize, libqalculate, mate-calc, mpc, mpc+32, mpfi, normaliz, openscad, polymake, rasqal, sagemath, singular, stress-ng, suitesparse, superslicer, texlive