Depended by: addict, alabaster, apsw, argparse, asciidoc, asn1crypto, atomicwrites, b43-tools, backcall, backports, backports-abc, beaker, blessings, botan-2, boto, bottle, bzr, cachetools, cachy, cdcover, cddb, cfv, characteristic, chardet, cjkwrap, click-plugins, colorama, configparser, constantly, crcmod, css-parser, cssutils, cwiid, cython, cython-0.29, decorator, defusedxml, deprecation, diff-match-patch, dlib, docopt, dstat, enum34, eyed3, fastimport, faulthandler, fontforge, funcsigs, functools32, fuse-python, future, futures, fuzzywuzzy, gamin, gdata-python-client, gimp, gmpy2, gnome-doc-utils, google-api-python-client, google-auth, google-auth-httplib2, gpgme, greenlet, gtk-2, gupnp, hachoir-core, hkdf, httplib2, humanize, hyperlink, imagesize, iniparse, inkscape, ipaddr, ipaddress, ipy, ipython-genutils, isodate, jdcal, jsonpointer, kitchen, kiwisolver, lash, levenshtein, libdnet, libforensic1394, libglade, libieee1284, libkate, liblouis, libmsym, libpeas, libpwquality, libsigrok, libtorrent-rasterbar, libuser, libvirt, link-grammar, lirc, llfuse, lockfile, m2r, mailcap-fix, marshmallow, mate-menus, mechanize, meld3, mistune, monotonic, munkres, nautilus-python, nemo, netifaces, net-snmp, newt, newt-syrup, nodejs-20, nodejs-22, ntfs-config, olefile, openmpi, openswan, pam-python, parsedatetime, parso, pastel, patch-ng, pathlib, pdfrw, pkginfo, pluginbase, ply, polib, prettytable, protobuf, psycopg2, publicsuffix2, pyacoustid, pyasn1, pyaudio, pycairo, pycryptodomex, pycups, pyelftools, pyenchant, pygattlib, pygeoip, pyglet, pygobject-2, pyicu, pyinotify, pyiso8601, pylev, pylibacl, pyopengl, pyorbit, pypdf2, pypeg2, pyperclip, pypkgconfig, pypsutil, pyptlib, pyrex, pyscard, pyscss, pysendfile, pyserial, py-setproctitle, pysocks, pysol-sound-server, pysqlite, python-cssselect, python-dbusmock, pythondialog, python-distutils-extra, python-djvulibre, python-gflags, python-gnuplot, python-hpack, python-kaitaistruct, python-ldap3, python-ly, python-msgpack, python-node-semver, python-openid, python-pam, python-schedutils, python-systemd, python-xapp, pytz, pyusb, pyxattr, pyxdg, qscintilla, regex, repo, rfc3986, rpm, rsa, ruffus, scandir, scapy, secretstorage, semantic-version, semver, shellingham, simplejson, singular, six, sk1libs, smartypants, snowballstemmer, sortedcontainers, soupsieve, speaklater, sphinxbase, sphinxcontrib-applehelp, sphinxcontrib-devhelp, sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp, sphinxcontrib-jsmath, sphinxcontrib-qthelp, sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml, sphinxcontrib-websupport, sqlalchemy, structlog, sysv-ipc, tdb, terminaltables, testresources, texlive, text-unidecode, tomlkit, ujson, unidecode, unrpyc, uritemplate, urwid, wcwidth, webencodings, wheel [mips64r6el], wrapt, wsproto, wtforms, yaspin, zbase32, zeroconf, zope-event, zope-interface

Depended by (build): blastem, botan, ddnet, flatbuffers, glib+32, graphite, gtk-2+32, libxml2, marisa, postgresql, python-musicbrainzngs, python-systemd, qt-5, qt-6, stfl, tdebindings, teeworlds, udisks-2, zdic-cli

Suggested by: marisa, python-musicbrainzngs

Library depended by:

Reverse dependencies of the libraries: