Depended by: android-platform-tools, apt, ark, avr-gcc, borgbackup, btrfs-progs, calibre, c-blosc, curl, dpkg, elfutils, fbthrift, flatpak, gcc, gdal, gfxconstruct, gfxreconstruct, gitoxide, gnutls, graphicsmagick, heaptrack, hotspot, karchive, kmod, libarchive, luanti, man-db, mtd-utils, oma, peazip, plocate, rsync, spandsp, squashfs-tools, squashfs-tools-ng, squashfuse, systemd, urllib3, xarchiver, yuzu, zed, zig

Depended by (build): bcachefs-tools, rocm-device-libs, update-alternatives, weechat

Recommended by: depthcharge-tools

Library depended by:

Reverse dependencies of the libraries: