Depended by: abbs-update-checksum, aircrack-ng, aoscbootstrap, aoscdk-rs, aosc-findupdate, apr-util, asio, axel, badvpn, bind, boinctui, borgbackup, ca-certs, chntpw, ciel, coreutils, cowpatty, cpprestsdk, crow-translate, cryptography, cryptsetup, cups, curl, cutter, cyrus-sasl, dar, deb-installer, deploykit-backend, dkcli, dmg2img, dotnet-runtime-2.1, dotnet-runtime-3.1, dotnet-runtime-5.0, dotnet-runtime-deps-6.0, dotnet-runtime-deps-8.0, dovecot, dpdk, easy-rsa, elinks, encfs, et, ettercap, exim, falkon, fizz, folly, fractal, freerdp, freetds, getdns, git, git-cliff, gitoxide, glib-networking, gnome-vfs, gnustep-base, grpc, grub-customizer, gsoap, gwenhywfar, hfsprogs, hostapd, httpd, httping, httrack, hunter, i2pd, ipmitool, irssi, kdelibs4support, kea, kernel-tools, khealthcertificate, kitinerary, kmod, krb5, ldns, lib3mf, libarchive, libasr, libdatachannel, libesmtp, libetebase, libevent, libfido2, libgda, libgit2, libmowgli, libp11, libssh, libssh2, libstoragemgmt, libtpms, libu2f-emu, libu2f-server, libvirt, libvncserver, libwebsockets, lychee, lynx, m2crypto, mariadb, meowdict, mise, mokutil, moonlight-embedded, moonlight-qt, mosh, mupdf, n2n, netease-cloud-music-gtk, net-snmp, nginx, nilfs-utils, nmap, nodeenv, nodejs-20, nodejs-22, nsd, nut, oma, openfortivpn, openimageio, open-iscsi, open-isns, opensc, openslp, openssh, openvpn, openvswitch, opusfile, partimage, pen, perl-crypt-openssl-bignum, perl-crypt-openssl-random, perl-net-ssleay, php, pixiewps, pkcs11-helper, pmbootstrap, poco, podofo, polyphone, postfix, postgresql, ppp, pulseaudio, p-vector, python-2, python-3, qpdf, quagga, radare2, rathole, rbw, rtmpdump, ruby, sbsigntool, sccache, shadowsocks-rust, siege, smartcardauth-trinity, smartdns, socat, sofia-sip, sozu, spamassassin, squid, sscg, strongswan, stunnel, sunshine, sylpheed, synergy, systemd, tarsnap, tcpdump, tectonic, telegram-desktop, testdisk, thedarkmod, tinc, tmate, tor, tpm2-tools, tpm2-tss, treevsrepo, trojan, trousers, tsukimi, uboot-tools, unbound, uw-imap, vboot-utils, virtualbox, virtualbox-guest, vpnc, w3m, wangle, watchman, websocketpp, wezterm, wget, wimlib, wpa-supplicant, wrk, yara, ydcv-rs, yuzu, zed, znc

Depended by (build): libcamera, qt-5, qt-6, xmlsec

Library depended by:

Reverse dependencies of the libraries: