Depended by: 0ad, aegisub, boost, brltty, calibre, cutter, dee, dotnet-runtime-2.1, dotnet-runtime-3.1, dotnet-runtime-5.0, dotnet-runtime-deps-6.0, dotnet-runtime-deps-8.0, evolution-data-server, fcitx, firefox, gnustep-base, google-chrome, harfbuzz, ibus-qt, libcdr, libical, libmspub, libphonenumber, libpsl, libqalculate, libreoffice, libspelling, libvisio, mpd, nodejs-20, nodejs-22, open-vm-tools, php, plasma-workspace, poedit, postfix, pyicu, qt-4, qt-5, qt-6, raptor2, slop, sunshine, tectonic, tesseract, texlive, tracker, unar, vte, webkit2gtk, xerces-c, xfsprogs, yaz, yesplaymusic, zed, znc

Depended by (build): harfbuzz, libreoffice, poppler

Library depended by:

Reverse dependencies of the libraries: