Depended by: afpfs-ng, apt, ccrtp, chromium, crda, dar, gcr, gnome-vfs, gnupg, gsasl, gtk-vnc, gwenhywfar, keepassxc, kwallet-pam, libaacs, libgcrypt-static, libgda, libgnome-keyring, libimobiledevice, libiscsi, libktorrent, libmicrohttpd, libmtp, libotr, libquvi, libsecret, libvirt, libvncserver, libxslt, lurch, ntfs-3g, oma, pidgin-otr, remmina, rng-tools, samba, srecord, systemd, tigervnc, tork-trinity, vlc, vpnc, weechat, wireshark, xfce4-mailwatch-plugin, xorg-server, xwayland

Depended by (build): nemo-extensions, stress-ng, xmlsec

Library depended by:

Reverse dependencies of the libraries: