Depended by: caribou, folks, geary, gitg, gnome-contacts, gnome-sudoku, libgnome-games-support, libkkc, libskk, plank, rygel, shotwell, synapse, timeshift, tracker, vala
Depended by (build): timeshift
Library depended by:
- folks, libgnome-games-support, libkkc
- calls, caribou, five-or-more, geary, gitg, gnome-2048, gnome-calculator, gnome-contacts, gnome-klotski, gnome-maps, gnome-nibbles, gnome-robots, gnome-sudoku, ibus-kkc, libskk, plank, rygel, shotwell, synapse, timeshift, zile
Reverse dependencies of the libraries:
- calls, caribou, five-or-more, folks, geary, gitg, gnome-2048, gnome-calculator, gnome-contacts, gnome-klotski, gnome-maps, gnome-nibbles, gnome-robots, gnome-sudoku, ibus-kkc, libgnome-games-support, libkkc, libskk, plank, rygel, shotwell, synapse, timeshift, zile