Depended by: arts, clamav, devel-base, docker, fontforge, graphicsmagick, graphviz, guile, guile-2.2, imagemagick, imagemagick+7, libcanberra, mate-common, mpg123, nut, openmpi, opensc, php, pulseaudio, sox, speech-dispatcher, squid, unixodbc
Depended by (build): alacarte, chafa, isl, libdnet, libtomcrypt, nemo-extensions, opencv, xorgxrdp
Library depended by:
- pulseaudio
- graphicsmagick, imagemagick, libcanberra, libgphoto2, openldap, unixodbc, xmlsec
- aqbanking, emukit, graphviz, guile-2.2, imagemagick+7, koffice-trinity, mocp, nut, oath-toolkit, octave, pstoedit, pulseaudio+32, redland, sox, speech-dispatcher, squid, synfig, transcode, xine-lib
Reverse dependencies of the libraries:
- aqbanking, emukit, graphicsmagick, graphviz, guile-2.2, imagemagick, imagemagick+7, koffice-trinity, libcanberra, libgphoto2, mocp, nut, oath-toolkit, octave, openldap, pstoedit, pulseaudio, pulseaudio+32, redland, sox, speech-dispatcher, squid, synfig, transcode, unixodbc, xine-lib, xmlsec