Depended by: dbus+32, fontconfig+32, libofa+32, mesa+32, neon+32, wayland+32
Library depended by:
Reverse dependencies of the libraries:
- apr-util, audacity, avahi, bitwarden, boinctui, brltty, calf, chromium, cmake, coin, cuda, dbus, dbus+32, dbus-glib, dbus-glib+32, digikam, discord, dovecot, elinks, emukit, exempi, exiv2, expat, fcitx5, feishin, fontconfig, fontconfig+32, freexl, gdal, gdb, gdb+cross-arm64, gdb+cross-mips64r6el, geant4, ghostscript, git, google-chrome, gpick, graphviz, icalingua++, intel-oneapi-basekit, jack, kmplayer-trinity, ladish, lftp, libarchive, libdom, libhangul, libmusicbrainz-2, libnih, libreoffice, libvips, libwmf, loonggl, lua-expat, makemkv, mesa, mesa+32, mesa-pvr-ddk119, mihomo-party, moonlight-embedded, mpd, neon, neon+32, newflasher, obs-studio, opencolorio, perl-xml-parser, polkit, pypy, python-2, python-3, qcef, qt-5, qt-6, squid, subversion, superslicer, tdenetwork, teams-for-linux, tenacity, typora, unbound, urfkill, vscodium, vtk, wayland, wayland+32, wxbase, wxgtk, wxgtk+32, wxgtk-3+32, yesplaymusic