Depended by: 32subsystem, elfutils+32, ffmpeg+32, freetype+32, imlib2+32, pcre2+32, pcre+32
Library depended by:
- freetype+32
- boost+32, elfutils+32, ffmpeg+32, gst-libav-1-0+32, gst-plugins-bad-1-0+32, gst-plugins-good-1-0+32, imlib2+32
Reverse dependencies of the libraries:
- an-anime-game-launcher, apfs-fuse, apt, apt-gen-list, bcftools, bedtools, binwalk, boost, boost+32, botan-2, botan-3, bsdiff, bzip2, cbc, cdrkit, cgl, clamav, clash-verge-rev, coin, coinmp, coinutils, cosmic-files, dar, deb-installer, dmg2img, dolphin-emu, dovecot, dpkg, elfutils, elfutils+32, elinks, emukit, ffmpeg, ffmpeg+32, file, folly, fox, freeciv, freetype, freetype+32, gimp, git-cinnabar, gnome-vfs, gnupg, goldendict, graphicsmagick, gst-libav-1-0+32, gst-plugins-bad-0-10, gst-plugins-bad-1-0+32, gst-plugins-good-0-10, gst-plugins-good-1-0, gst-plugins-good-1-0+32, gstreamer, gtkwave, gzdoom, handbrake, htslib, imagemagick, imagemagick+7, imhex, imlib2, imlib2+32, irrlicht, iverilog, karchive, karchive-5, koffice-trinity, libarchive, libgsf, libmirage, libzip, lrzip, lynx, mariadb, maturin, mirrormgr, mise, mldonkey, mpd, ncbi-blast+, ncbi-vdb, nufraw, octave, oma, ouch, partimage, pbzip2, pcre, pcre2, pcre2+32, pcre+32, php, php7, prismlauncher, pstoedit, p-vector, pypy, python-2, python-3, qemu, r, rpm, sequoia-sq, sonic-visualiser, squashfs-tools-ng, sra-tools, strigi, sword, systemd, tarsnap, tauri-cli, tdelibs, transcode, unar, unzip, uv, xine-lib, yelp, zip