libksysguard 5.27.11 Runtime libraries for KDE System Guard
libktorrent 1:23.08.5 BitTorrent protocol implementation and KDE Framework integration
libkvkontakte 20160305-1 C++ library for asynchronous interaction with VK social network via its web API
liblangtag 0.6.3-1 Library to access tags for language identification
liblastfm 1.1.0 Library that implements LastFM support
libldac LDAC encoding library
libliftoff 0.5.0 Lightweight KMS plane library
liblo 0.29-1 A lightweight OSC (Open Sound Control) implementation
liblouis 3.12.0-3 Open-source Braille translator and back-translator
liblphobos 1.38.0-1 The LLVM-based D compiler runtime
liblqr 0.4.2-3 A seam-carving C/C++ library called Liquid Rescale
liblrdf 0.6.1-1 Library to manipulate RDF files describing LADSPA plugins
libltc 1.3.2 Linear/Logitudinal Time Code library
libluv 1.47.0+0 Lua bindings for LibUV
liblzf 3.6 A data compression library
libmad 0.15.1b-6 LibMAD, a MPEG audio decoder
libmanette 0.2.6-1 GObject-based game controller library
libmatekbd 1:1.28.0 MATE keyboard library
libmatemixer 1:1.28.0 Audio mixer control library for MATE desktop
libmateweather 1:1.28.0 Provides access to weather information from the Internet
libmatroska 1.7.1 Library for Matroska media container
libmaxminddb 1.4.3 C library for the MaxMind DB file format
libmbim 1.30.0 MBIM modem protocol helper library
libmcrypt 2.5.8-5 A library which provides a uniform interface to several symmetric encryption algorithms
libmd 1.1.0 A message digest functions library
libmediaart 1.9.4-1 Library tasked with managing, extracting and handling media art caches
libmediainfo 24.11 Shared library for digital media analysis
libmediawiki 20160605-1 KDE C++ interface for MediaWiki based web service as
libmicrodns 0.2.0 A library that implements a minimal mDNS resolver (and announcer)
libmicrohttpd 0.9.71 Embedding HTTP server functionality
libmikmod Modular music player and library
libmikmod+32 Modular music player and library (optenv32)
libmirage 3.2.7 CD-ROM image access library
libmms 0.6.4-2 MMS stream protocol library
libmng 2.0.3-2 A collection of routines used to create and manipulate MNG format graphics files
libmnl 1.0.5 Minimalistic user-space library oriented to Netlink developers
libmodplug Libraries for mod music based on ModPlug
libmowgli 2.1.3-3 Performance and usability-oriented extensions to C
libmpack 1.0.5-1 Simple implementation of msgpack in C
libmpcdec 2:0.1~r495-2 Musepack decoding library
libmpd 11.8.17-2 Signal based wrapper around libmpdclient
libmpdclient 2.22 Asynchronous API library for interfacing MPD in the C, C++ & Objective C languages
libmpeg2 0.5.1-4 Library for decoding MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 video streams
libmspack 0.10.1alpha A library for Microsoft compression formats
libmspub 0.1.4-5 Microsoft Publisher file format parser library
libmsym 0.2.3 Molecular point group symmetry lib
libmtp 1.1.17-1 Implementation of the Media Transfer Protocol
libmusicbrainz-2 2.1.5-4 A library which allows you to access the data held on the MusicBrainz server (version 2)
libmusicbrainz-5 5.1.0-4 A library which allows you to access the data held on the MusicBrainz server (version 5)
libmwaw 0.3.22 Import library for some old Mac text documents
libmypaint 1.6.1-3 A library for making brushstrokes which is used by MyPaint and other projects
libndp 1.7-1 Library for Neighbor Discovery Protocol
libnet 1.1.6-1 A library which provides API for commonly used low-level net functions
libnetfilter-acct 1.0.3-1 Library providing interface to extended accounting infrastructure
libnfc 1.7.1-1 Platform independent NFC library
libnfnetlink 1.0.1-2 Low level Netfilter kernel/user interface communication library
libnfs 4.0.0 Client access library for NFS
libnfsidmap 1:0 Library to help mapping IDs for NFSv4 (transitional package)
libnfs-static 4.0.0-3 Client access library for NFS (static libraries)
libnftnl 1.2.6 Netfilter library providing interface to the nf_tables subsystem

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