grsync 1.3.1 GTK+ frontend for rsync
grub 2:2.12+unifont16.0.01-1 GNU GRand Unified Bootloader
grub-customizer 5.2.5 A graphical interface to configure the GRUB bootloader
gsasl 1.8.1 Simple Authentication and Security Layer framework and a few common SASL mechanisms
gsl 2.5-1 The GNU Scientific Library
gsm 1.0.19 Shared libraries for GSM 06.10 lossy speech compression
gsmartcontrol 1.1.3-4 A GTK+ for hard disk SMART monitor
gsoap 2.8.124-1 Development toolkit for Web Services and XML data bindings for C & C++
gsound 1.0.2-2 GObject library for playing system sounds
gspell 1.11.1-1 A flexible API to implement the spell checking in a GTK+ application
gssdp 1.2.3 A GObject-based API for handling resource discovery and announcement over SSDP
gssproxy 0.8.2 A gss-proxy protocol to allow proxying of GSSAPI context establishment and channel handling
gstreamer 1.24.7-2 A modular and extensible multimedia framework
gtef 2.0.1-1 GTK+ Text Editor Framework
gtest 1.10.0+git20210513 Google Test - C++ testing utility based on the xUnit framework (like JUnit)
gti 1.9.1 A Git launcher inspired by the `sl` command
gtk-2 2.24.33-3 GIMP toolkit version 2
gtk-3 3.24.38-5 GIMP toolkit version 3
gtk3-tqt-engine 14.1.2 GTK+ 3 theme engine for TQt/Qt 3
gtk-4 4.16.5 GIMP toolkit version 4
gtkd 3.10.0-5 D language bindings for GTK+
gtk-doc 1.34.0 API documentation generation tool for GTK+ and GNOME
gtk-engines-2 2.21.0-3 Theme engines for GTK+ 2
gtkextra 3.3.4-1 Extra widgets for building GTK+ 2.x applications
gtkglext 1.2.0-3 OpenGL extensions for GTK+2
gtkglextmm 1.2.0-2 C++ bindings for GTK+ GL Extensions
gtkhtml 4.10.0-2 A lightweight HTML renderer/editor widget for GTK+ 3
gtkimageview 1:1.6.4-2 Simple image viewer widget for GTK+ 2
gtk-layer-shell 0.8.1 A library to write GTK applications that use Layer Shell
gtkmm 2.24.5-3 C++ bindings for GTK+2
gtkmm-3 3.24.6-1 C++ bindings for GTK+3
gtkmm-4 4.14.0 C++ bindings for GTK 4
gtk-qt-engine 14.1.2 GTK+ 2 theme engine for TQt/Qt 3
gtksourceview-2 2.10.5-4 A text widget adding syntax highlighting and more to GNOME (version 2)
gtksourceview-3 3.24.11-2 A text widget adding syntax highlighting and more to GNOME (version 3)
gtksourceview-4 4.8.3 A text widget adding syntax highlighting and more to GNOME (version 4)
gtksourceview-5 5.4.2 A text widget adding syntax highlighting and more to GNOME (version 5)
gtkspell 2.0.16-4 On-the-fly spell checking for GtkTextView widgets (GTK 2.x)
gtkspell3 3.0.10 On-the-fly spell checking for GtkTextView widgets
gtk-update-icon-cache 4.16.5 Utility to refresh icon theme caches
gtk-vnc 1.3.1-1 A VNC viewer widget for GTK
gtkwave 3.3.121 A wave viewer which reads LXT, LXT2, VZT, GHW and VCD/EVCD files
gtranslator 46.1 A Gettext catalog editor for GNOME
gts 121130 Provides useful functions to deal with 3D surfaces meshed with interconnected triangles
gucharmap 15.1.5 GNOME Unicode character map
guile 3.0.10 A portable, embeddable Scheme implementation written in C
guile-2.2 2.2.7-1 A portable, embeddable Scheme implementation written in C (legacy 2.2 branch)
guitarix 0.44.1 A virtual guitar amplifier running on JACK
gupnp 1.2.4 An object-oriented UPNP framework
gupnp-av 0.12.11 Library to ease handling and implementation of UPnP A/V profiles
gupnp-dlna 0.10.5-1 Library to ease DLNA-related bits for applications using GuPNP
gupnp-igd 0.2.5-2 A library to handle UPnP IGD port mapping
gutenprint 1:5.3.4 Top quality printer drivers for POSIX systems
guvcview 2.1.0-1 A lightweight GTK+-based UVC camera viewer
gv 3.7.4-2 A X front-end for the Ghostscript PostScript(TM) interpreter
gvfs 1.50.2-1 Userspace virtual filesystem implemented as pluggable modules to GIO
gvim 9.1.0880 VI Improved (with GTK frontend)
gwc 0.21+19 A digital audio editor to denoise, dehiss and amplify audio files
gwenhywfar 5.10.2 Multi-platform helper library for networking and security applications and libraries
gwenview 23.08.5 Image viewer and library manager for KDE

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