ragel 6.10-2 Compiles finite state machines from regular languages into executable C, C++, Objective-C, or D code
rapidfuzz 3.2.0-1 Rapid fuzzy string matching in Python using various string metrics
raptor2 2.0.16-1 Raptor RDF Syntax Library
rarian 0.8.1-5 A documentation metadata library based on the proposed Freedesktop.org spec
rasqal 0.9.33-3 A free C library that handles Resource Description Framework (RDF) query syntaxes, query construction and query execution returning result bindings
rathole 0.5.0 A reverse proxy for NAT traversal, written in Rust.
rav1e 0.7.1 A high-performance AV1 encoder
razor-agents 2.85-7 A distributed, collaborative, spam detection and filtering network
rbw 1.12.1 Unofficial bitwarden cli
rclone 1.68.0-1 Sync files to and from Google Drive, S3, Swift, Cloudfiles, Dropbox and Google Cloud Storage
rcs 5.10.1 Revision Control System: manages multiple revisions of files
rdfind 1.6.0 A program that finds duplicate files
rdiscount Fast Implementation of Gruber's Markdown in C
rdma-core 51.0 RDMA userspace libraries and utilites
re2 20240601 C++ library for backtracking regular expression engines
re2c 3.1 A tool for generating C-based recognizers from regular expressions
readline 8.2.1 GNU readline library
readymedia 1.3.3 A DLNA media server formerly known as minidlna
realmd 0.17.1-1 DBus service for configuring kerberos and other online identities
recode 3.7.14 Converts file between various character sets and usages
recordmydesktop 0.4.0 A desktop session recorder
redis 7.4.0 Advanced key-value store
redland 1.0.17-9 Library that provides a high-level interface to RDF data
redsocks2 0.67+git20201229-1 A transparent TCP-to-proxy redirector
reiser4progs 1.2.2 Userspace tools for the Reiser4 filesystem
reiserfsprogs 3.6.27-2 Management and manipulation utilities for the ReiserFS file system
remmina 1.4.35 A remote desktop client written in GTK+
rencode 1.0.6-1 Module similar to bencode from the BitTorrent project
reportlab 3.5.50-1 A proven industry-strength PDF generating solution
rest 0.8.1 A helper library for RESTful services
restic 0.17.1 Fast, secure, efficient backup program
rfkill 1.0 A tool for enabling and disabling wireless devices
rhash 1.4.4 Great utility for computing hash sums
rhythmbox 3.4.7-1 An iTunes-like music player and manager
rime-schema-manager 1:0.2.4-1 A little RIME scheme manager
ripgrep 14.1.1 Line-oriented search tool that recursively searches your current directory for a regex pattern
ristretto 0.13.2 A fast and lightweight image viewer for Xfce
rlvm 1:0.14+git20220404 A Free Software reimplementation of the VisualArt's KK's RealLive interpreter
rlwrap 0.43-3 Adds readline-style editing and history to programs
rmlint 2.10.2 Tool to remove duplicates and other lint from your filesystem
rng-tools 6.16 Random number generator related utilities
rnnoise 1:0+git20210312 A noise suppression library based on a recurrent neural network
rocm-bandwidth-test 6.0.2 Utility to measure the GPU application memory bandwidth related performance
rocm-clr 6.0.2 Common language runtimes (HIP/OpenCL) for ROCm
rocm-compilersupport-comgr 6.0.2 Library for compiling and inspecting AMDGPU code objects
rocminfo 6.0.2 Utility to report system info related to ROCm
rocm-llvm 6.0.2 LLVM customized for ROCm
rocm-smi-lib 6.0.2 Library to monitor and control Radeon GPU applications
rocr-runtime 6.0.2 User space library for launching compute kernels on ROCm-compatible Radeon cards
rocs 23.08.5 A physics application based upon the Rocs Graph Theory
roct-thunk-interface 6.0.0 User-mode API to interact with ROCk driver (amdkfd)
rofi 1.7.5 A pop-up window switcher
rosegarden 24.06 A music composition and editing environment
rosegarden-trinity 14.1.2 A MIDI sequencer and musical notation editor for the Trinity Desktop Environment
roxterm 3.15.0 A tabbed, VTE-based terminal emulator
rpcbind 1.2.6 Portmap replacement which supports RPC over various protocols
rpcsvc-proto 1.4.2-2 RPCSVC protocol definitions from Glibc
rpm 4.18.0 Redhat Package Manager
rp-pppoe 4.0 Roaring Penguin's Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet client
rrdtool 1.7.2 Round Robin Database Tool to store and display time-series data

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