chromium 127.0.6533.119 A performance and security focused Web browser
chrony 4.5 NTP client/server
chrpath 0.16-4 A utility for changing rpath in ELF formatted files
ciel 3.4.3 An integrated packaging environment for AOSC OS
cifs-utils 7.0-1 User-space tools for CIFS
cinnamon 5.8.3-1 A GNOME Shell fork aiming to provide traditional user experience
cinnamon-control-center 5.8.1-1 Centralized settings manager for Cinnamon
cinnamon-desktop 5.8.0 Library with common API for various Cinnamon modules
cinnamon-menus 5.8.0 Cinnamon menu specifications
cinnamon-screensaver 5.8.0-1 Screensavers designed to integrate well with the Cinnamon desktop
cinnamon-session 5.8.1 Cinnamon session handler
cinnamon-settings-daemon 5.8.1 The Cinnamon Settings Daemon
cjs 5.8.0-1 JavaScript bindings for Cinnamon
clamav 1.3.1 Anti-virus toolkit for Unix
clash 1.18.0-4 A rule-based tunnel for VMess, Shadowsocks, Trojan, Snell protocols
clash-verge-rev 1.7.2 A GUI configuration manager for the Clash rule-based proxy
clash-verge-service 0+git20240628 System daemon for Clash Verge
clazy 1.11-3 A compiler plugin which allows Clang to understand Qt semantics
clblast 1.6.3 A tuned OpenCL BLAS library
cld2 20160820-3 Compact Language Detector 2
clinfo Display OpenCL information
clipit 1.4.2-2 Lightweight GTK+ clipboard manager (fork of Parcellite)
clit 1.8-7 An extractor/converter for .LIT eBooks
cli-visualizer 1.8-2 CLI based audio visualizer
cln 1.3.6 Class library for numbers
clp 1.17.6-2 COIN-OR linear programming solver
clpeak 1.1.2 Benchmark tool to measure theortical peak performance of OpenCL devices
clucene C++ port of the high-performance text search engine Lucene
clustal-omega 1.2.4-1 Clustal Omega Multi-sequence alignment tool
clutter 1.26.4-3 A GObject based library for creating fast, visually rich graphical user interfaces
clutter-gst 2.0.18-3 GStreamer bindings for Clutter
clutter-gst-3.0 3.0.27-2 GStreamer bindings for Clutter (3.x series)
clutter-gtk 1.8.4-2 A library allowing embedded Clutter canvas in GTK+ applications
clzip 1.14 C implementation of lzip
cmake 3.30.1 A modern toolset used for generating Makefiles
cmark 0.31.0 CommonMark parsing and rendering library and program in C
cmatrix 2.0 A clone of the effects from The Matrix movie
cmix 20 A lossless data compression program
cmocka 1.1.7 Unit testing framework for C with support for mock objects
cmus 2.11.0-1 A small, fast and powerful console music player for Unix-like operating systems
cockpit 286.1-1 A web-based graphical interface for servers
codeine-trinity 14.1.2 A XINE-based media player for the Trinity Desktop Environment
cogl 1.22.8-1 An object oriented GL/GLES Abstraction/Utility Layer
coin 4.0.0+git20220828 3D graphics library based on Open Inventor API
coinmp 1.8.4 C-API library that supports most of the functionality of CLP (Coin LP), CBC (Coin Branch-and-Cut), and CGL (Cut Generation Library) projects
coinutils 2.11.4 COIN-OR collection of utility classes
colord 1.4.7-1 System daemon for managing color devices
colord-gtk 0.3.1 GTK integration for Colord
colord-kde 23.08.5 A Colord session daemon to colord for KDE
compface 1.5.2-3 Utils & libs to convert from/to X-Face format.
compiz OpenGL window and compositing manager
compsize 1.5 A tool for calculating compression ratio of a set of files on Btrfs
concurrencykit 0.7.1-1 C library to aid concurrent application development
confuse 3.2.2-1 C library for parsing configuration files
conky 1.21.7 Lightweight system monitor
conmon 2.1.12-1 OCI container runtime monitor
containerd 1.7.21 An industry-standard container runtime
core-base 1-1 Meta package for AOSC OS Core runtime
coreboot-utils 24.08 Various utilities from Coreboot project
coreutils 9.5-2 A collection of basic file, shell and text manipulation utilities

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