lziprecover 1.21-2 A data recovery tool and decompressor for the lzip format
lzlib 1.11-2 A compression library for the lzip file format
lzo 2.10-3 LZO compression library
lzop 1.04-1 File compressor using LZO libraries
m17n-lib 1.8.0-5 Multilingual text processing library (runtime)
m2crypto 0.38.0-2 A cyptography and SSL toolkit for Python
m4 1.4.19 A macro processor
m4ri 20200125 Algorithms for linear algebra over F_2
m4rie 20200125 Algorithms for linear algebra over F_2^e
macchina 6.1.8 Basic system information fetcher
mailimporter 23.08.5 KDE mail importer library
maim 5.5.3-1 A utility to take a screenshot using imlib2
make 4.4.1 GNU Make, designed for code processing
mako-notification-daemon 1.9.0 A lightweight Wayland notification daemon
malcontent 0.10.5-1 Implements content accessibility restrictions to non-administrator accounts
man-db 2.11.1-1 A collection of utilities for reading and managing man pages
mandoc 1.14.6 A UNIX manpage compiler toolset
mangohud 0.7.0 A Vulkan and OpenGL overlay for monitoring FPS, temperatures, CPU/GPU load and more
marble 23.08.5-1 A desktop globe for KDE Plasma desktop
marble-runtime 23.08.5-1 A desktop globe for KDE Plasma desktop (runtime libraries)
marco 1:1.28.1 Window manager for MATE
mariadb 10.9.8 A drop-in replacement for Oracle MySQL
marisa 0.2.4-7 Static and space-efficient trie data structure library
markdownpart 23.08.5 KPart for rendering Markdown content
markupsafe 2.1.1-1 An XML/HTML/XHTML Markup safe string implementation for Python
mate-applets 1:1.28.0 Additional applets for MATE panel
mate-calc 1:1.28.0 Calculator for MATE Desktop
mate-control-center 1.28.0 The MATE control center
mate-desktop 1.28.2 Library with common API for various MATE modules
mate-media 1.28.1 MATE media control utilities
mate-menus 1:1.28.0 MATE menu specifications
mate-netbook 1.26.0 A simple window management tool for MATE, optimized for smaller screens
mate-notification-daemon 1:1.28.0 Notifications daemon for MATE
mate-panel 1:1.28.1 A highly customizable panel for the MATE desktop
mate-polkit 1.28.1 PolicyKit agent for MATE
mate-power-manager 1:1.28.1 MATE power manager daemon and utilities
materialx 1.38.8 An open standard for rich material representation in computer graphics
mate-screensaver 1:1.28.0 Screensavers and screen lock support for MATE desktop
mate-sensors-applet 1:1.28.0 A MATE Panel applet to display readings from hardware sensors
mate-session-manager 1.28.0 The MATE session handler
mate-settings-daemon 1.28.0 MATE settings daemon
mate-system-monitor 1:1.28.1 System process and load monitor for MATE
mate-terminal 1:1.28.1 The MATE terminal emulator
mate-user-share 1.28.0 User level sharing via WebDAV for MATE
mate-utils 1:1.28.0 Common MATE utilities
mate-window-applets 21.04.0 Window applets for the MATE Desktop
mathemagics-trinity 14.1.2 A RPN (Reverse Polish Notation) calculator for the Trinity Desktop Environment
matplotlib 3.8.0 A Python plotting library, making publication quality plots
maturin 1.4.0 A tool building rust binaries as python packages
maxflow 3.0.5 A library that implements the maxflow-mincut algorithm
maxima 5.46.0 A sophisticated computer algebra system
mbedtls 2.16.7-3 Portable cryptographic and SSL/TLS library
mc 4.8.31 A text based filemanager/shell that emulates Norton Commander
mcfly 0.9.1 Fly through your shell history
mdadm 4.2-1 A tool for managing/monitoring Linux md (software RAID) device arrays
med 4.1.1 Library for standardized formats of model and exchanging data
mediainfo 22.06 Supplies technical and tag information about a video or audio file
memcached 1.6.27 A distributed memory object caching system
memtester 4.5.1 A userspace utility for testing the memory subsystem for faults
menu-cache 1.1.0-1 Caching mechanism for freedesktop.org compliant menus

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