obfs4proxy 0.0.14-4 A pluggable transport proxy (OBFS4)
obs-studio 30.2.3-1 Free, open source software for live streaming and recording
ocaml 4.14.2 The Camel programming language with OO extensions
ocaml-astring 0.8.5 Alternative String module for OCaml
ocaml-augeas 0.6-1 OCaml bindings for Augeas configuration API
ocaml-bos 0.2.1 OCaml support for basic and robust interaction with the operating system
ocamlbuild 0.14.1-2 A generic build tool for OCaml
ocaml-cmdliner 1.2.0 Declarative definition of command line interfaces for OCaml
ocaml-csexp 1.5.1-1 Provides minimal support for parsing and printing S-expressions in canonical form for OCaml
ocaml-fmt 0.9.0 OCaml Format pretty-printer combinators
ocaml-fpath 0.7.3 OCaml module for handling file system paths with POSIX and Windows conventions
ocaml-graphics 5.1.0-2 Provides a set of portable drawing primitives for OCaml
ocaml-integers 0.7.0 Various signed and unsigned integer types for OCaml
ocaml-logs 0.7.0 Logging infrastructure for OCaml
ocaml-num 1.3-4 OCaml library for arbitrary-precision integer and rational arithmetic
ocaml-pp 1.1.2-1 OCaml pretty printing library
ocaml-re 1.11.0 A regular expression library for OCaml
ocaml-result 1.5-2 Compatibility module for using Result module with older OCaml versions
ocaml-rresult 0.7.0 OCaml module for handling computation results and errors
ocaml-stdlib-shims 0.2.0-2 Shim to substitute Pervasives with Stdlib before OCaml 4.08
ocaml-topkg 1.0.7 OCaml module for handling computation results and errors
ocrad 0.27-3 An OCR program (from GNU)
octave 9.2.0 A high-level language intended for numerical computations
ofono 1.30-3 A telephony stack for Linux, developed by Intel
ogmtools 1.5-7 Information extractor and creator of OGG media streams
okteta 1:0.26.9-1 A Hex editor for KDE
okular 23.08.5-2 A document reader for KDE
oma 1.11.0 Default package management interface
onboard 1.4.1-7 On-screen keyboard useful on tablet PCs or for mobility impaired users
onefetch 2.21.0 A command-line tool to show local Git repository summary
onig 6.9.5+rev1 Oniguruma regular expressions library
opam 2.1.6 OCaml Package Manager
openal-soft 1.23.1 A cross platform 3D audio library
openbabel 3.1.1-1 A library to convert between file formats used in molecular modeling and computational chemistry
openblas 0.3.28 An optimized BLAS library based on GotoBLAS2 1.13 BSD version
openbox 3.6.1-2 OpenBox Window Manager
opencascade 1:7.6.3 A C++ 3D library for CAD/CAM software
opencc 1:1.1.7 Open source Chinese conversion library and utilities
opencl-clang 18.1.0-1 Thin wrapper library around Clang
opencollada 1:1.6.68-3 Stream based reader and writer library for COLLADA files
opencolorio 2.1.2-4 A color management framework for visual effects and animation
openconnect 8.10-1 Open client for Cisco AnyConnect VPN
opencore-amr 0.1.5 Open source implementation of the Adaptive Multi Rate (AMR) speech codec
opencryptoki 3.21.0-2 Implementation of the PKCS#11 (Cryptoki) specification
opencsg 1.5.1 Image-based constructive solid geometry rendering library using OpenGL
opencv 4.9.0-4 Open Source Computer Vision Library
opendoas 6.8.2 A tool for delegating authority to users and groups
openexr 3.1.8-1 A high dynamic-range image file format library
openfortivpn 1.18.0-1 A Fortinet-compatible VPN client
openfpgaloader 0.12.1 Open-source FPGA programmer that supports multiple FPGAs and cables
openh264 2.4.1+gmp114+2 Codec applications and runtime for H.264 (Cisco)
openimageio A library for reading and writing images, including classes, utilities, and applications
open-iscsi 2.1.9 Userland tools for iSCSI
open-isns 0.101-1 iSNS server and client for Linux
openjdk-11 3:11.0.25+ga OpenJDK Java Runtime Environment (JRE) and Java Development Environment (JDK) (version 11)
openjdk-17 3:17.0.13+ga OpenJDK Java Runtime Environment (JRE) and Java Development Environment (JDK) (version 17)
openjdk-21 3:21.0.5+ga OpenJDK Java Runtime Environment (JRE) and Java Development Environment (JDK) (version 21)
openjdk-22 3:22.0.2+ga-1 OpenJDK Java Runtime Environment (JRE) and Java Development Environment (JDK) (version 22)
openjdk-23 3:23.0.1+ga-1 OpenJDK Java Runtime Environment (JRE) and Java Development Environment (JDK) (version 23)
openjdk-8 3:8u432+ga OpenJDK Java Runtime Environment (JRE), Java Development Environment (JDK), and IcedTea-Web (version 8)

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