util-base 12-1 Meta package for basic AOSC OS utilities
util-linux 2.40.2 Utilities and management tools for Linux (binaries)
util-linux-runtime 2.40.2 Utilities and management tools for Linux (runtime libraries)
uw-imap 2007f-14 An IMAP implementation from University of Washington
v2ray 5.21.0-1 A platform for building proxies to bypass network restrictions
v2raya A client for Project V with web UI
v4l2loopback 0.13.2 V4L2 loopback device driver
v4l-utils 1.22.1-3 Utilities for Video4Linux and DVB devices
vala 0.56.17 Compiler for the Gobject type system
vala-panel-appmenu 0.7.4-1 Global menu for Vala-based panels (and xfce4-panel and mate-panel)
vamp-plugin-sdk 2.9.0-2 Audio analysis plug-in system
vapoursynth 70.11 An application suite for video manipulation
varnish 7.5.0 A high-performance, scalable HTTP accelerator/caching facility
vasm 1.9f A portable and retargetable assembler
vba-m 1:2.1.8 A Nintendo GameBoy Advance emulator
vboot-utils 110.15728.B-1 Utilities to handle ChromeOS Verified Boot
vc 1.4.4 A development header library to ease explicit vectorization of C++ code
vcdimager 2.0.1-1 A fully featured mastering suite for authoring, disassembling and analyzing VCDs and Super VCDs
vde2 1:2.3.3 Virtual Distributed Ethernet for emulators like QEMU
vdpauinfo 1.0-2 A command line utility for querying the capabilities of a VDPAU devices
verdict 1.4.1 API for compute quality functions of 2- and 3-dimensional regions
verilator 5.026 A Verilog simulator that compiles Verilog code into C++/SystemC
vice 3.5-2 The Versatile Commodore 8-bit Emulator
vid.stab 0.98b-2 A video stabilization library for FFmpeg, MLT or Transcode
vifm 0.13 An Ncurses based file manager with Vi-like key bindings
vigra 1.11.1-14 A computer vision library
vim 9.1.0958 Vi Improved
virglrenderer 0.10.4 Virtual 3D GPU library
virt-viewer 11.0 A graphical viewer for the guest OS display
virt-what 1.20 A small program that prints out a list of facts about a virtual machine
vkbasalt A Vulkan post-processing layer
vkd3d 1.9-1 Direct3D 12 to Vulkan translation library By WineHQ
vkmark 2017.08+git20230412 A Vulkan benchmarking suite
vkpeak 20240505 Measure peak performance using Vulkan
vlc 3.0.21-4 Video player from VideoLAN
vmpk 0.9.0-1 Virtual MIDI controller
vnstat 2.4 A network traffic monitor with a detailed exporter for charts
volk 2.5.0 The Vector-Optimized Library of Kernels
volk-meta-loader Meta loader for Vulkan API
volume-key 0.3.12 A library for manipulating storage volume encryption keys
vorbisgain 0.37-2 A utility that computes the replay gain values of Ogg Vorbis files
vorbis-tools 1.4.0-4 Tools for the Vorbis codec
vpnc 1:0.5.3r550 VPN client for Cisco 3000 VPN Concentrators
vscodium Visual Studio Code - Open Source
vsftpd 3.0.3-5 Very Secure FTP Daemon
vte 0.68.0-2 VTE widget for use with GTK
vte-gtk2 0.28.2-6 Virtual Terminal Emulator Library
vtk 9.3.0-3 Software suite for manipulating and displaying scientific data
vulkan-extensionlayer Layer providing Vulkan features when native support is unavailable
vulkan-loader Vulkan Installable Client Driver (ICD) Loader
vulkan-tools Vulkan Tools and Utilities
vulkan-utility-libraries Utility libraries for Vulkan developers
vulkan-validationlayers Vulkan validation layers
w3m 2:0.5.3+git20230121-1 A text-based Web browser and pager
waffle 1.8.0 Library for selecting an OpenGL API and window system at runtime
warmux 1:11.04.1-4 A FOSS game like Worms
watchdog 5.16-1 A daemon for kernel watchdog process
watchman 4.9.0-5 An inotify-based file watching and job triggering command line utility
wavemon 0.9.6 Ncurses-based monitoring application for wireless network devices
wavpack 5.2.0-1 Audio compression format with lossless, lossy and hybrid compression modes

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